Training Technology, Economy and Project Development for LNG Industry
Indonesia is well-known as one of the largest exporter for LNG in the world, and is notified as the leader of Asian LNG market. The LNG industry has contributed significantly as Indonesia’s main export earnings and served as principal source of government revenues for almost 3 decades. Despite these important roles of LNG industry in the Indonesian economy, many among stakeholders of Indonesia’s oil and industry are not familiar yet with the basic knowledge and current issues on the country, regional and world-wide LNG industry.
Why Should Attend..??
To provide a fundamental and comprehensive understanding of LNG industry, especially from the perspective of technology, economic, business, project development, and finance, taking lessons from the LNG industry world-wide.
What Will You Learn..??
- Overview of LNG Industry and Trade
- LNG Chain Technology
- LNG Contracts and Pricing
- LNG Project and Finance
- Indonesia’s LNG
Managers, supervisors, engineers, business developers, attorneys, economists, student and other professionals deal with oil and gas industry. Senior government officers responsible for natural gas management and macroeconomic policy also encouraged to take advantage of this course.
Training methods
The training is provided in the form of exposition, discussion, case studies, and equipment demonstration
DR. Ir. Drs. Herianto, MSc
Herianto born in Pekanbaru on 21 June 1959. He earned his bachelor degree of Petroleum Engineering from UPN “Veteran- Yogyakarta, Magister Technique of Petroleum Engineering from ITB, Bandung, Master of Philosophy from UGM, and PhD in Petroleum and Geophysics Engineering from UTM, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Since 1983 until now He become a Senior Lecture in Petroleum Engineering Department , UPN”Veteran- Yogyakarta. Some experience in project of Engineering and consultant in PT. Geoquest Slumberger Indonesia,PT. Pertamina, Pertamina Learning Centre, PT. Chevron Pasific Indonesia, Petrochina Bermuda, Petrochina International Jabung, CNOOC SES , COOC, Total Indonesie, Conoco Phyllips, Elnusa, Indonesia Power, PLN Geothermal, Petronas, PT. Indolas, PT. Indrilco Sakti , PT. Promosindo Media Tenaga, APMI ( Indosian Assosiation Drilling Contractor), and many more.
He is also a lecturer for some specific petroleum technical topics such as Storage Tank Measurement and maintenance, Oil Loss Controll Management, Crude and Condensate Terminal Operation, Refinery Operation and management, and many more. Currently He is a senior associate trainer in IPDC, also a Senior Consultant in BPMIGAS Hilir at project “Distribusi BBM tertentu di daerah Terpencil”.
Rp 9.000.000
3 hari
Sertifikat, Modul, Training Kit, Lunch, Coffee Break, diselenggarakan di hotel berbintang.
Informasi Pendaftaran dan Promo
Hub : 021 – 3280 5064, 3280 5074
Contact Person
0813 8280 7230
Jadwal Training
11-13 Desember 2013, Yogyakarta